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Born: 7.12.2004
(Fedor del Nasi x Wicky Betelges)

Show resulta:
1TP Best Baby Male and Best Baby 2005, French National Breeding Show Mauvieres (F)
1VP KV Dorastu, Baby Klub Winner 2005, Klub sieger Schau Grand Prix Goldenen Dobermann (SK)
1VP Puppy Winner 2005 European Trophy Winner Graz (A)
VP IDC Bratislava (SK)
1Exc Best young male and Best Youth Paris Dog Show (F)
1Exc Best young male and Best Youth CACIB Ljubljana (SLO)

Health tests:
Cardio Free (24h holter EKG in Munich)
Willebrand Free
Wobbler Free
HD under evalution in germany

Owner: Myriam Cosmao - France
Alojz Purgaj - Germany
Tel.: +33622472400 (english, french)
+491797281740 (german, serbian, english)