Born: 13. 12. 2003
(Baron Nike Renewal x Hessi Extra Moravak)
Show results:
Candidate for Champion of Austria
Candidate for Champion of Czech Republic
Candidate for Champion of Poland
Candidate for Champion of Slovekis
Very promising 1. & club show DKCR 2004 (junior class)
Excellent 1. & CAC club show DKCR 2005 (open class)
Excellent 2. & Res. CACA special show in Austria 2005
Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner 2006 & BOS club show DKČR 2006 (working class)
Excellent 1, CACA, Res. CACIB & vice-Bundessieger 2006 CACIB Tulln (working class) Excellent 1, CWC, Nowa Ruda winner & Best male (BOS)
Excellent 1, CWC, Glogow winner & Best male (BOS)
Excellent 1, CACA, Res.CACIBCACIB Wels(A)
Work results:
D. ZTP V 1A (Dr. Schüler)
Czech character test: DKCR
ZVV 1 (SchH 1)
IPO 3, BH, BgH 2, ZPS 1
RH - E, ZZZ, ZZP 1, ZZP 2, ZLP 1 (rescue exams)